
#5. No Jenrry Mejia.



There’s Norway anything like this should ever happen.

There had been a long history of Penguins’ GMs getting overheated. But they corrected this problem back in 2005 when they fixed the draft.

Except, in this case, the story as Jorge Sedano tells it couldn’t have happened. We checked: Allen Iverson never played a Sunday game in Miami,


According to an unnamed ESPN employee, the goat spent most of the day in the front of the facility, but eventually moved around to the baa-baaa-baaa-baaa-baaa!

I'm not surprised.

So it is for people who want to avoid crowds, but still attend a Major League Baseball game on the 4th of July?

Hey, Grampa!

I got some insider info on the wine they will be serving.

Wow. Kind of odd to see Nascar take this stand.

You may get into a few arguments.

“Warrant Issued For Former Maple Leaf Andre Deveaux”

Poor guy. Seems like life did not really work out well for him. Obviously, this was not his Plan A. So he had to resort to Plan B an Asshole.

I live in Philly. So we get to taste a lot of their beers before anybody else. And some of them are just down right horrible. The Sah'Tea, Theobroma and The Black & Red come to mind.

You're not very good at commenting.

They make a pils at the brewpub in Rehobath that is actually great.

With all of the expertise at Dogfishhead, I think it would really be amazing if one day they decided to brew beer.