Ha, exactly. Tried to promote but had to reply.
Ha, exactly. Tried to promote but had to reply.
No offense, but I don't think we're getting the whole story from you. They can't impound your car because you said no. You may have had a lien against the car or some other issue.
Jeez, way to focus. Sorry I used ran instead of run. I was trying to make sure I spelled Venkman right.
Research sounds sketchy to me. Was it ran by Dr. Venkman?
No, it doesn't. Please do a bit of research before posting on the internet (ha).
Was trying to promote this, but Gizmodo's comment functionality is an oxymoron.
Same reason I don't allow police officers to search my car. I have nothing in it, but it's my car.
I'm going to have to pull the plug on that pun.
I loved hermit crabs when I was young. Every time my family would vacation in Panama City I'd get one as a kid. They feel funny when they walk on you.
Also keep in mind it's expensive because it's new. Hopefully it'll be cheaper down the road.
Yea, I was coming back to post that. I received the e-mail, just a weird error on site.
Getting an unexpected error trying to sign up.
Just seems too automatic. I had the same concerns in the earlier post.
I cracked my roomate back in college. He was a neat freak and he broke bad.
I put youth as they are the ones least connected to Africa. Their parents didn't come from Africa, nor their grand-parents. They may have as much African blood in them as Johnny Depp has Native-American blood. Who's to say?
Sounds like enough justification to call him "Native American" as black youth are called "African-American" now though they've never been to Africa.
And Wikipedia is still not a valid source, amirite?
But aren't they always pushing that bloggers are journalist too?
Wow, double post.
1) Typo. OH MY! Let's avoid the message and be grammar Nazis.