
Only problem is they'll blame the source material.

Good suggestion.

Sounds neat, but I wouldn't want an app like that to access my e-mail. Privacy risk, big time.

Wife is flying to MI from ATL. I'll get her to test this out.

Highlight a mod, then don't link to it.

Easy, yes. Boring, more so.

Oh, troll. Nevermind.

I said on Twitter "Minecraft is out today. He should have really released a demo before hand."

You're justifying your racism because you've been victimized by others?

Exactly what I was about to say.

I had it for a day before I got Skyrim and really enjoyed the hell out of it.

"...so it may loose its best screen title to the Galaxy Nexus soon, but it's still terrific."

Do you believe in magic? In a video game?

MP is like penis length: It "varies" with each person and really doesn't matter except to brag.

No, just surprised by the casual racism everyone takes as fine.

"...but if there's any truism through human civilization, it's that white people will ruin anything they touch if provided the chance."

More proof that life is only a dream.

Well, that's getting dentures instead of filling a cavity.

Thanksgiving leftovers never expire because they never last that long.