
I'm in love with that show. I've been powering through them (on Season 4) and they don't ever disappoint.

Yo dawg....

Sensationalist headline. Bleh.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

I'm curious too. The one in front of Joker's place is pissing me off.

If both sides argue that one or the other is better quality, they're probably equal.

Haha, yep. I buy multiplatform exclusively for the 360, and one main reason is the controller.

I'd buy that for a dollar!

Well, duh. That's like saying you can't hear Baby Got Back and not think of juicy doubles.

Just patience.

Thank you for the tip! I scored a code from calling! I had to be on hold for 30 minutes, but well worth it.

You're right: You do have to plan ahead. I beat LA Noire and sent it back before Batman was released. Then I clear my queue, and got it. It's not too bad.

I'll try, but their phone support doesn't actually work. I call, but the inputs won't be accepted!

I like Weatherbug well enough.

I usually get games in two from Tampa (I like in Alabama).

Not too whore myself out (OK, a little), but if anyone has an extra code, I'll take it off your hands.

I still go to ipchicken.com. It's too much fun.

We all do. No idea in this 'reboot' economy they don't do it.

Gamefly. There is an issue here.