
On a semi-related note, I wonder if Steve Jobs would have tasted like apple pie.

And the price kills any interest. Well, that and it's UFC.

Obviously fake. His wife would have punched him for annoying her if real.

Woah, slow down there, buddy.

That guy's awesome. I wonder how much weed's in those red bags.

Was just about to post this.

Saw that earlier and it was the best tribute.

Cluck the police.

*yawn* Try again when you're funny.

Who shuts down their machine that regularly? I reboot only when Windows needs to reboot.

"47" LG 47LW5600 1080p 3D LED HDTV + 14 Pairs 3D Glasses for $929 with free shipping"

People just don't have a sense of humor.

Amazing. I love it.

The Industry is scared of people. People now have power over the Industry and it scares them.

The stock photo testimonials are the best things.

They should start naming the meat too.

Double pun, you should be double proud.

Thank you for some good points about the curve. I do NOT buy my phone to talk on it (hate talking on phones). So I have no interest in making it easier to talk on.

Best turn of phrase ever turned.

Fark would get its votes from Reddit who would get its votes from 4chan.