
I use Facebook as READ ONLY. I don't post anything nor link my account to any other service. I basically just use it to view photos of my family/friends via Flipboard on my iPad. That's it. I never even log into the page online.

Bugs Bunny had a great game. It was called "Crazy Castle."

The movie is good, but it leaves out one of the best literary lines ever:


Not true. Individual crumbs are delicious.

Same thinking. I'm trying to lower my blood pressure, but you can't find anything low in sodium that isn't in raw form.

Too bad it's not available for my phone. Although I don't think the OG Droid can do the tap pay, I would love to have all my loyalty cards and coupons on my phone in one place.

Actually, I think it's worse. Obviously he was using cartoons as a medium kids would know and be interested in.

Nice feature. To make it even nicer, I would recommend a nice list.

I love the Art of Manliness. I've had a "mansolution" this year to be more of a man each day.

Not sure what it has to do with technology, but I enjoyed the video.

What's the difference? We got our cat from the vet and we found our dog in the parking lot. He was half-starved, running into the street, and (as we found out later) had Parvo which would have killed him.

Heard about this earlier. I think I'll get my pets microchipped when they get checked in October. Our dog is a stray (all our animals are) that we found at Jack's in Lineville AL (named him Jack, of course). The first thing our vet did when we brought him was to check for a chip.

Been using Diigo (was iChromey), but I downloaded this yesterday since I use it on my phone (well, the mini version).

You must write for tabloids.

With phones (and most technology), the only known is that a better device will appear after you purchased one.

[in a Billy Idol voice]It's a nice day for a... uh.. nevermind.

Until the Prime at least.