Each time a tip like this is posted, someone says "people don't know this yet?" But here's the thing: Each time it's a different person. Why? Because people have a wide assortment of knowledge.
Each time a tip like this is posted, someone says "people don't know this yet?" But here's the thing: Each time it's a different person. Why? Because people have a wide assortment of knowledge.
That's why I have a home Sync and a work Sync account.
It's Miramax. So I'm sure it'll be Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. They put those guys in a bunch of movies.
Only "legitimate" reason to pirate something would be draconian DRM that prevent you from playing a game, for example (even though it's illegal). As for music/movies/TV, there isn't really a legitimate reason I can think of.
Sorry, but you're never "justified" to pirate something. If it's not enough value for you, then don't watch it. Simple.
I didn't read this entry, though I wanted to. A suggestion:
Looks great, but I wish the HUD was shown. In a tag match, do you share a bar? Or is it more akin to MvC?
That's the X-ray move you can do with a full special bar. Think Ultra move from SSIV.
I use Keepass and have a different password for every site. I have no clue what any of my passwords are.
I take that back. Works fine with Handcent!
Did they take in account if people have seen the scenes or not? I think that would be the most important aspect of the experiment.
Could we have a "Giz Explains: Proofreading" or "Giz Explains: Editing" next time?
Heads up: This doesn't work with Handcent. Strange since it works with K9.
Very nice. I get annoyed having to change all mine after I switch ROMs. Thanks for the heads up.
I love the "Tweeters" ringtone for twits.
A Transformer, duh!
No point clicking the link from RSS when the entire post is in the stub.
Thanks for the info. I'm downloading now.
I wish I could find an addon to make Google Reader look exactly like (before updated) Brief. I love that interface.
Who uses smartphones to talk?