Yeah, she looks good. But if I were to try to get away with that outfit at 17, aka still not a legal adult, my mom wouldn't allow me out of the house. Thank goodness I was allowed to be a kid and not a commodity.
Yeah, she looks good. But if I were to try to get away with that outfit at 17, aka still not a legal adult, my mom wouldn't allow me out of the house. Thank goodness I was allowed to be a kid and not a commodity.
When your sister and mom are more cut up than a Thanksgiving turkey, how else are you supposed to react?
If you look at her Instagram, you may get a different interpretation of the psychology behind the construction of her public image. She's modified her face to an extreme, and denied it of course. Poor girl clearly feels an immense amount of pressure to sexualized herself.
I believe its been changed to Teh Lurnin Chanl.
I'll believe it when I stop seeing it.
I'm glad I'm just old enough to have made my biggest, dumbest mistakes before the internet.
Or so I hope...