
Very convenient excuse for being a dick. I don’t believe it.

Nobody believes your bullshit here. Take it back to whatever bridge you crawled out from under.

Hey, nobody said being evil is a walk in the park. You gotta work.

Well I know you wouldn’t be on the safe list, anyway.

Yep that’s him.

He does this on threads following stories that involve rape. He’s a creep.

Mr Ogny: Really how many murdered women have you known?

We live in a rape culture where men are encouraged to rape woman and the police and politicians protect us from prosecution!

Men are murdered at a much higher rate than women.

You gigantic dummy.

Beautifully said, yet again.

Hmm, to star or not to star...

Dammit. Well thanks for the warning...

So, *he* did something *he* really shouldn’t have done given his position (to put it lightly), and he was punished for it by his employer, and his response is... to sue the person whose statements led to him getting caught.

omg I am so sorry. I would be... beside myself (I’ll leave it at that).

Indeed - I very much agree with you. Thanks for the clarification on The Revenant.

Absolutely. But then I have to wonder - is it true that there were no women in that time and place? Because so much of our sense of where women were and were not is influenced by representations that were in turn exclusive of women.

Good point. Hopefully it will work out for the best.

In many ways it will be easier to prevent her from offending again if her target is people with an innate lack of agency; since those people have their lives an interactions managed by others.

Yes, yes I do think she is a danger to society!