
Volvo’s argument isn’t bullshit. The point they are making is completely valid: A system that a) encourages drivers to be less vigilant, by allowing them to step out of the control loop, but b) relies ultimately on the drivers to remain vigilant, is a system that is inherently unsafe. I think that they are right about

with a 6 cylinder

Do you own shares of tesla or why do you take his opinion so personally?

A fight between Volvo and Tesla must be an existential crisis for a Jalopnik editor.

Encouraging road rage is safer than a lane change?

Trailblazer looked to be mere inches off the Edge’s rear bumper. If that isn’t a death wish on the part of the Chevy driver, I don’t know what is.

Nobody likes a tailgater and nobody likes being stuck behind a slow driver in the left lane, so why not just move over and let them pass?

On one hand, that dick got what he deserved. What if there had been a legit reason for the front car to slow down?