Ok, why did they change their name to *PokerBeach* exactly ?
Ok, why did they change their name to *PokerBeach* exactly ?
@Kai200X: There are two blue windows at the bottom of the comment box next to the youtube button, choose it then you will have two options, Upload or link posting, choose which one you want.
@Badsgetmad: Wow, You came up with all that from his articles, Someone needs a reality CHECK !
Def Jam: StereoType
Special Attack 1 : Hear Attack -500Dmg
If the next God Of War is Move enabled and gets bundled with it, sales will rain from the firey skies.
@m9105826: I would play it hard, too...
@pancho_villa85: So if Halo was rebooted and made Master Chief a helmetless skinny agile dude and MGS made Solid Snake a Girl that would be Ok ?
@FarmboyinJapan: But, Everyone loves the Cutscene bonanza's in MGS.
@Daniel Thomas MacInnes: Did ya forget ya brains ya know cause this is fanmade.
@Mister Jack: It's not an ad For gods sake.
So her name is Katherine with a K and the game is Catherine with a c, hmmm. I smell demonized split personality.
@The Sentient Meat: But isn't GT5 a 60 frame 3D game ?
@Whizkid103: I would be shocked if it didn't have trophies. I'm a 100% sure it will have trophies. There is a big chance there will be trophies. I pretty sure both games will have trophies.
YAY live bloggy thingy is back!
Most immersive game I played on my ps3 was Fallout 3, so this is a no brainer!
@Vondruke: Yup, I have the Matrix Blu Ray ultimate collection. And it was said in one of the commentaries (forgot which one really)
I thought Illusion was behind this.
It's not a fake trailer, it's a short that directors make to shop for producers. It's just like the Mortal Kombat short.