Is watching this going to be worth the Silkwood shower I’m going to have to take after?
Interesting word choice in this statement. Like something written by a someone who watched “Legally Blonde” more than once. She’s denying an “affair”. She’s not really denying that they fucked.
“Affair” is a pretty loose term and really is whatever you want it to be (emotional connection, regularly having intercourse,…
Elegant, but you need the more forceful approach:
“Make America Grope Again”
“Orange Smush”
Sounds like you were treated really well as a grad student, and that’s awesome. My experience was different. Though I did have a tuition waiver, I still paid fees and still paid my housing costs. My stipend was 600 dollars a month. If the university had been willing to provide housing (let alone food), that would have…
I retained publication rights to the novella I produced during my graduate studies (though my university took first right of refusal; it honestly wasn’t that great a piece of work, so I didn’t feel like I was losing much), but your argument is compelling. If grad students were provided with ownership of their…
I will not argue with “agreed hours when weighed against average hours worked.” The idea that any “part time” teaching job only encompasses ten hours a week either comes from folks who have never taught in their lives, or who do only the bare minimum, and therefore do a disservice to their students.
From other…
Oh hey, oversimplification and ad hominem argument—unsurprised to see that you’ve turned up!
I am, as I’ve said to others, totally open to having my position on this whole thing changed, but I’d need something more substantial than name-calling lobbed at me to make that shift.
If you want to make the argument for…
As a former Columbia grad student (STEM), I don’t think unionizing is the way to go here, and definitely not across the board. The work STEM students do is indeed training for their future career, and every lab hour is a step closer to a paper. As a STEM grad student, I would have nothing to gain and everything to…
Not what I’m saying.
When you look at what it costs to provide an education to a graduate student—faculty hours, staff hours (between housing, services, food service, etc) and book costs—added to the stipend most graduate students receive, the total compensation comes out to something like 30-40k a year, and sometimes…
Alright, why?
I’m open to having my position changed—I just need more than “I disagree” to make that transition.
Those corporate interests aren’t going to go away. They’ll always have more money and thus more sway than any given citizen or even group of citizens.
She’s a great listener?
Just add that to the list of things that Melo’s done with. Including
Yes, you have to deal with the CCP if you’re doing anything close to big in the PRC.
“I used several non-verbal queues”???
Humans will kill each other over any excuse. Religion is not some evil force that causes all the worlds ills. That would be human nature.
You’re a trippy ass dude but I like you.