jack scheiße

Fuck, that’s good. I’d never heard that. Thanks.

Well, Jesus did say that “There will always be poor” (my paraphrase), but they cut out the rest of it where he said “so long as the rich motherfuckers keep using and abusing them for their own opulent, wasteful lifestyles.”

1789 France.

You are precisely correct. The only thing missing is that the people at the top have hearts of stone and are thereby inherently against anything that would make common people happier.

I’ve never owned a stock in my life, and never been more happy to have never bought into corporate America.

When the govt takes less money than it used to from you, you end up with extra money after all is said and done.

Anecdotes are facts if the person is objective and honest.

Yes, but there is another component to being rich: never spending.

All one needs to do is look at the utter failure that is Kansas.

That’s one way to metaphorically dig one’s own grave.

Now playing

The next iteration of America will have a substantially streamlined ability to remove such ‘Old Boy Club’ members from any and all places in society.

Shirley, this is no time to be joking.

I wouldn’t call someone obviously very angry a “wilting flower”.

You do not understand spiritual growth.

I understand, my friend, but the lesson in all of this mess of sexual predation is that it is best to find every single place we can apply compassion and respect for others, if only because compassion and respect for others would prevent 100% of such assaults, if the perpetrators had any.

Look, Mr. Log, there is no need for nuance on #1: the answer is “over” ;-)

Let us remember that the chances are likely 100% that if Isha has, herself, not been sexually assaulted in her life, AT LEAST one of her close friends or family members have been.


You’re saying that he shouldn’t keep his Oscar for the writing he and Affleck did for “Good Will Hunting”, just because he has questionable beliefs about how Louis CK’s acts are on a different scale than those perpetrated by Weinstein?

Not your general needs, though those are important for us all, it is your need for personal spiritual growth to maximize your personal contribution to the establishment of justice, equality and sensible resource management on the Earth.