jack scheiße

Not Today. Not today. Not any day.

Shit, you beat me, just checked. 1:14.

While you are technically correct that “they wouldn’t be any less addicted to opiates”, smoking a joint of today’s weed is going to leave an addict completely uninterested in trying to scrounge up opiates.

The so-called black market can sometimes be a citizen’s friend, my friend.

Hanger’s on never were worth much of anything anyway.

Yeah, that’s hard to process, really.

Oh dear, those bones in his closet are banging on the door in 2017.

There is a science of spiritual development that is not open to external proof. It must be experienced to be believed and it is beyond the petty putdowns of the ignorant and their self-proclaimed superiority.

Science and religion are completely compatible to the honest and intellectually competent.


My friend, I am happy, but not content. I’m happy because I’m trying to evolve myself to be a ready, active participant in the new human epoch that must take root for the benefit of humanity and the Earth itself.

But we are magical creatures that have psychological and physiological aspects that are but aspects of a far greater, more mysterious whole.

Your stating that you know a negative is logically impossible.

“I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
— Trump

Team Carlin for life!

How do you know it’s drivel, then?

And they were loose-fitting jeans and untucked, loose t-shirt? Because women look fantastic in simple t-shirt tucked into tight jeans. (That’s how a lot of gay dudes dress so I guess that works for them, too.)

Love is always meaningless sentiment when it does not generate real, selfless action that seeks to make someone else happier.

I already told you most men are horrific. That is the answer to your questions.

No, we all CAN control ourselves, it’s just that the vast majority of men choose NOT to.