jack scheiße

What have I said that says I don’t? Don’t bother searching, because I haven’t, nor have I defended anyone who does evil or hates in this world and I will ride at the head of the people to strip them of their power to downpress anyone.

Of course you can not argue with love.

Love is the only motivation that can solve all our problems.

Your hatred will destroy you.

Don’t feel sorry for anyone, my friend. Feel empowered with the righteous anger that we deserve for having to deal with these corrupt, self-dealing servants of the devil.

That is because acquiescing to hatred makes one blind to reality.

There is no flaw in what I say, for what I say is the truth of the structure of the human heart and mind as designed by our Creator. Your free will means that your mind is free to choose to ignore this truth, as most do, but reality is that which remains when all our bullshit is cleared away.

That’s why we cannot disarm peaceful citizens whose only desire is to defend the innocent before we figure out how to disarm the criminals first.

I am not defending any oppressor here. If you could get past your hatred you would read my words for what they say instead of what your demons tell you.

Your being black doesn’t make you right any more than my being white makes me wrong.

Cast the first stone, person without fault.

The entire fam is digging our new mix cd :

Again: I am truly sorry, my friend. You are doing the Lord’s work here.

DAMMIT. It’s a fucking tribute to the level of evil in the Trump administration that the fuckery of the previous administrations now look like rays of light.

Anyone who truly changes their heart and subsequent actions deserves forgiveness, but only then. Until then, they are merely talented animals that must be treated as such: deprived of their ability to harm human beings — being human being defined as someone who embraces love across all divides such as ethnicity, form

I love it when those who set the trap fall into it.

I love it. Technically accurate is the best kind of accurate.

Ok, I cop to that. My bad.

He said there were good pe0ple in a crowd of Nazis, numbnuts.

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.