jack scheiße

Better than being a dick who can’t handle the fucking truth, because that’s what it is: the simple fucking truth.

Wow, two strokes of good luck in two days for Cleveland.

You are! I was too dumb to resist mooing along with the herd.

“giant ass stein” made me laugh.

For us it was the junior year dance after you get your ring — I guess in other schools it’s just called Junior Prom.

If it was a decoder/encoder ring, I’d still be wearing it!

Let’s remember some money rackets from high school:

If it smells like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a fucking duck.

When people always act this way towards all other people, the world will be “On Earth as it is in Heaven.” And not until then.

What I heard a long time ago was ‘Fix Or Repair Daily’.

Did they not work successfully together afterward?

You’re right, because when you’re wrong, you can’t fight what’s right, and what’s right is the kind of love that sees the world clearly and can’t be argued with.

I was defending the right of teenagers (17 & up) to have sex with the person of their choosing. There’s a HUGE difference.

When faced with vociferous idiots, I tend to show how forceful the truth should be in the face of such all-too-normal behavior in 2017.

Tired? They’re just ramping up!

Wait, are you saying that Fox & Friends aren’t evil?

Here is a similar and shocking article from TheRoot (4 years ago) from the esteemed Henry Louis Gates, Jr. titled Did Black People Own Slaves?.

Yeah, I actively disliked them when they were popular and have never cared for them since. Except that ‘Wanted, dead or alive’ song. That was good.

He’s already benefiting, he’s trying to keep the gravy train running.

You need to google ‘vociferous’.