
The players that aren’t there to have fun, but just to win. So a quick win has a lot more value than a long one, making the loss from leaving worth it

“given that the show largely serves as a vehicle for commercials announcing upcoming games, with the awards themselves coming off as a distant second priority-wise.”
That’s 1 difference and the awards themselves are commercials for current games and movies, otherwise the industries wouldn’t care, so the game awards

I mean, if you buy stuff from Amazon, I just can’t feel bad for you, not to mention Amazon is the worst place to buy anything gaming related, there’s constant complaints regarding their pre-orders, as they always have fewer copies than they are selling, not to mention you could usually get games earlier in physical

This is about videos, not number of people playing. But still, an update would spawn videos from many streamers to cover it and then there’s the gamepass

Quite normal to sum up stuff about a person they write about. It’s more suspecious when they don’t, as if they’re writing positively about them, it could seem biased or just plain unprofessional, like they aren’t doing ressearch.

Like others have said, get The Story So Far, and play them in the numbered order. When you play it you get 3 choices of which to play, 2 games and 1 movie which is a collection of cutscenes from the game.
I would suggest skipping Re:Chain of Memories, it really adds nothing of import and has a way different gameplay

And many assumed they weren’t able to comprehend reflection. But the cats that freak out seem to know that they are looking at themselves and their human like a mirror

City folk with fast and unlimited data on their phones

I’d like them to test PSNow while they’re at it. The only option of them that is already released and has the biggest library atm

Would be nice with a comparison with PSNow, that’s been out for some time. I’m guessing it works just as well at the least, mostly because they supported MS in building xCloud, likely to cut off Google as new competitor.

Doesn’t make sense. If VR is its focus, it will stay a VR only game, of course, otherwise it compromises what they tried to make.
Games where VR is optional didn’t start out as a VR game, it’s a seperate mode or a seperate game if they’re really greedy *cough* Bethesda *cough*

Consider glasses

It would be much better to just play something else. Path of Exile, for example.
If digital piracy goes on the rise, so does the funding to stop it, even some lawyers have hunted pirates, as the developers are willing to pay them to for it once the lawyers have identified the pirates and ready to sue

Nobody minded that slavery was a thing for more than 20 years, does that still make it okay??
Also, try and see how each of those weapons work and then come back and try and justify your comparison.

Maybe stop making shooters set in a fictional wars with real countries, they kind of make a political statement, even if it wasn’t meant to.
Easier to get away with past wars, as you can just call it history.

I mean, nobody really saw the last Tomb Raider movie. So there’s a better chance it’ll look like a Indiana Jones with an old partner

Young popular actors have the name recognition to sell tickets and has a lower cost than older and likely more popular actors. On paper, it’s a good business decision, even though those decisions often end up with a bad combination of talents, resulting in a bad movie.
Not to fault young actor’s lack of experience,

Another reason to hate Munday

Pales in comparison to slapping a pregnant woman in front of children

To be fair, the most of that time you were downloading the game or installing it.
Your 100Mbps connection is fine, and you’re lucky it seems to be taking advantage of it, I know Steam holds back so you can use other things while it downloads.
Everybody, even console users, needs to contend with the updates, we should