Only flat back, push forward
Only flat back, push forward
I decided to just take them at one point. Within like 50ft I had 4 inches of the things.
Me too! Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂
It’s just a much more nuanced position than I tend to expect.
85 here and same. I've even ridden in one, and driven the SRT-10 truck. They're awesome
I was thinking the same thing. And you could at least do the slides (top part)
To receive helpful and insightful answers like the ones I got.
Thank you to everyone for the very helpful and insightful answers. I appreciate the commentary :)
This is the same behavior as my switch. It's fine cause my tv turns off after no signal for like 2 minutes
*laughs in Philadelphian*
Kerry Gold should make other butter feel ashamed of itself
Cinnamon bread/toast?
Like butter and peanut butter? Or Butter, Peanut Butter, and Jelly? Fuck, both sound good.
I don’t understand bicycles. Maybe I need to ride a super nice one but seeing people spend used car money to toddle around the city baffles me.
And they do it all on a haunted boat!
Same here! I am going to be purchasing my own vehicle, hopefully in the next year. It keeps circling back to a fitÂ
If you take your shoes off it helps, and in the passenger seat you can slide them under the dash!
She WANTs to do that stuff, she actually lives in Philadelphia, the Fit is perfect. And it is seriously not that bad. It's certainly as good or better than all these Radwood cars we all lust over.
I live in Philly, have a Fit, it's the right car.