
Elizabeth doesn't do them. 

That’s ridiculous! We now know that biking makes you ugly because you buy stupid clothes.

I hate this so much. It happens when I am on my Tricycle or scooter too (yes, I stop at Stop signs). They see you slowing down, stop, then wave you on. Fuck you! Don't make me slowly accelerate across the intersection. If you had gone when I was still a 1/4 block away we wouldn't be having this problem!

Oh, I thought you were using Tesla tequila like a euphemism (drinking the kool aid) but they actually made a tequila.

Thats amazing!

They are GORGEOUS.

Oh good. Now I know Bradley is wrong. Hi Robb!

Is this supposed to be a stupid idea? Because it sounds awesome

Seems like a tax credit is really helping only the wealthy anyways?

Unused original box art from a reddit thread I found.

I don’t think so, but it is dyed that color. And if you’ve been told you have “wild caught” Atlantic salmon, that’s amost definitely bullcrap.

Not if you design the buttons big enough, (pretty much all work gloves are touch screen capable now) which they should be doing with these giant screens today.

I can't tell at all who's being serious and who's being sarcastic in this thread! 😂

I keep wondering this, is Nugenix like a "sly" white supremacist thing? Or do they just have no clue what it sounds like?

Lol, I love those, that’s never gonna happen again :)

In inconspicuous areas, at the speed limit?

Stick a plastic bin back there, like a rubbermaid, then it'll at least be easy to clean later

Those giant carabineers rock for this

I can't fucking figure that out either. Show me a mirror image but show them the right way.