
I have known people like this, go off roading every other week at least, first stop after the trail is the car wash, never saw mud on their vehicles.

People scare themselves into thinking that “they’re gonna take our guns” and stock up. A Democrat setting elected does the same. It’s fantastic for ammo sales too.

I think Torch would still be here in that case

I bet everyone knows someone that can get them employee pricing, too

They make them there

Forza does this.

I am so using sig-oth (sigoth) instead of partner now, so Lovecraftian.

The original Xbox one does not work vertically (the discs fall out of the drive and get stuck)

I call the two middle buttons on every system Start and Select.

Oh God, I'm using so many dishes, I have to do the dishwasher every fucking day now! Only 2 of us here too!

Sagrada has a solitaire mode, it's a great board game.

I agree, this is going to decimate the middle of the country, it's going to be awful

So you have to keep the connecting rods facing the correct direction front to back right? Because if you flip it the wear would be wrong. Or are they keyed somehow?

That might be why they cost $10

I hope you are able to go with all this crazy crap going on.

I didn't realize until weeks after the Philadelphia Radwood that it was you and someone else handing out the Jalopnik stickers, I thought you were just some fans from the site, as I assumed you would have had a booth or at least a table or something. 


I wish our liquor stores were open :(

I had a modern (after 2000) scooter with a Kickstarter if the battery was dead. It was damn near impossible to get going but it worked.

I have never seen the formatting buttons. Not once.