
I had a girlfriend in college that was only 3" above having to have a car seat, apparently.

I was right? Cool!

Nope, I always wonder the correct term.

The difference in gas prices should really offset the MPG difference

I meant less the driving, more the forgetting how the rest of the country works. :)

Please come back! Patrick left, Alanis is leaving, there's room!

There is! 

I got a t shirt!

New Yorkers do that, Same with LA.

Not the two best writers (Jason and David)!

Ugh, had a friend of the family come into town last year from LA (she’s early 20s). I was flabbergasted, had no idea people talked like that unironically

I never thought that, though I did have a family friend with one arm when I was a kid, and he had one, so never even occurred to me.

It’s still a technically correct statement.

Putting this on my queue right now! Thanks Kristen!

And Jason, when he’s nerding out on something, or has some dumbass idea. Kinda starting to like Bradley’s posts lately, he’s becoming an interesting writer, especially about motorcycles, and I have no interest in those other than them being awesome machines.

Especially since it's at a cheese farm. Yum!

You had me going.

Is a really interesting story, that’s obviously a very basic version of it.

Some guy died in Philly when a tire bounced off a road and creamed him

I should market mine, I make a shit ton of that stuff