
It's so happy!

With modern low power Bluetooth I bet it's similar

Android Pie does this. My pixel 2 warns me when I'm a couple hours out from the battery dying

My high school car was a 1991 GT. We could've been friends !

Which is awesome! But I meant from the factory.

And Dodge today would have slammed the hell cat or viper engine in there and it would have been incredible

Just don't buy beats anything

RIP, Gary's inbox

It's coming. Don't worry.

Give it to icon for the derelict collection! It's so badass

It's a penis joke

Google the word papercraft

I saw that car! It looked very nice!

They are so generic.

Can I be your baby?

Don't kick the baby!

Stick the LFA engine in the trunk!

I am sure both are great. I just like the looks of the 1st gen

I was a rich kid?

Omg! Thank you so much for answering that! I actually did read all of it. Fascinating.