
Thank God for womens lib...

Why are toys being marketed to “kids” that age discrimination

How shocking this liberal rag doesn’t mention the unarmed WHITE man shot and killed by the police last week.

Tell that to Zach Hammond

I’m a liberal I need to know the races of all involved to determine if I’m upset about this.

Careful your racism is showing or is it just your ignorance?

Had the officer not been white this story would never have been published

Facts are always ridiculous.

Don’t confuse liberals with facts

I don’t like what you wrote,you must be a troll.If you don’t believe what I believe,you must be a troll.

Michael Brown had his hands up and this cop got dragged

Actually quite the opposite

I’m glad you stated your race so I know to not take anything you post seriously when it comes to racism.

Human being here,I think the cartoon is amusing

Need to say goodbye to the science experiment

Another example of white privilege taking down a successful black man.

What’s amazing is how the brain-dead self-hating liberal press refuses to ask why were the majority of the women raped,white? Fascinating how liberals will seek out race in every situation except when the accused is a minority.

Just kicking a black man when he is down

Careful your racism is showing

I read that Asians are laughing right now,I guess that’s ok.