Jabroni Zamboni

The amount of effort you put into writing this nonsense makes me sad for this country. You are so, so, so, SO stupid. Like what is your end goal? It’s like you’re describing a dystopian future movie like Children of Men or some shit. Are you on board with the “bowl of skittles” mentality? Because that’s fucking

Um, have you seen Karl Rove?

Why don’t pitchers wear helmets?

I did not know that. That’s actually kinda cool. Thanks for googling that for me

I had the same experience, but it was only for a second, and then my brain reverted it back to white and gold

I’m a fan of the Penguins and Pirates. I could give a shit about either name. Penguins is straight up stupid. What do Pirates have to do with Pittsburgh? At least the Steelers pay homage to how our city used to be the biggest polluter in the country. We’re very proud of our toxic rivers.

I just think they’re silly. I think sports should follow soccer and have names that actually represent the city they play in instead of some random predator that an owner thinks is cool. Plus, there’s the whole argument of who would win in a fight in real life, i.e. a tiger or a cardinal? It’s dumbbbbbb (imo)

Worst sports team names?

Wtf is weird about corn?

I don’t care, original philly cheesesteaks are gross. Great you put cheese on sliced meat. What are you gonna do next? Put ketchup on fries?

This seems like a great fucking idea. How close are we to an actual theocracy?

Wow. That’s all I can say after that interview. It’s literally like watching North Korean propaganda. Like, he really has to be treated like a baby

That’s a lot of snark in one comment. Also, your joke wasn’t that good. Anyway, glad you’re happy

I could go for some of these

Are you saying Kim Jong Un is smarter than Donald Trump? Good god we are fucked

It would be a disaster for everyone involved. Let’s hope Trump’s team is at least smart enough to avoid touching this. I live in Colorado, so I think I’m safe from the nukes...

You are. You are really coming off as an asshole. I hope you get your ass beat by the police one day. You’re tone also makes you sound like a fat loser who thinks he knows everything. Great job standing up for the corporate giant who beat the shit out of a paying customer. Fuck you.

Should we be sensitive to Nazis and White Nationalism? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a pacifist, but sometimes you gotta use force and tell people this kind of thinking is NOT OK. It’s called resistance. It’s called standing up for what truly makes America great. If that means we gotta punch some nazis, then so be it.