I’m just venting right now because everything seems so hopeless. It’s depressing. But yes, Viva la resistance. Just remember that this is not normal. THIS IS NOT NORMAL
I’m just venting right now because everything seems so hopeless. It’s depressing. But yes, Viva la resistance. Just remember that this is not normal. THIS IS NOT NORMAL
Cool. Maybe write an op-ed about how a con man has made being American literally embarrassing. I don’t find it funny anymore. I’m not interested in the politics and semantics behind it anymore. I’m just so. fucking. done. Your analysis is asinine because nothing matters anymore.
Did you miss the part where he shifted the blame of the botched Navy SEAL operation to the generals and Obama? This man is a fucking disgrace and a coward. No one should respect this man. What a piece of shit.
Well he’s right, otherwise he might catch the gay himself. And it won’t be his fault!
I don’t even know what to say to that other than you are fool
Breaking news: Woman is sexually harassed in male-dominated silicon valley tech company.
These people are at the height of privilege. My friend sued Google for a pretty penny for the same thing. Seems kinda like a pattern here...
Just keep telling yourself that. Name one white person on that list of people who were detained that weekend the ban was illegally imposed
We need a total and complete shutdown of pandas entering the US until we can figure out what the hell is going on!
I just don’t want to believe that. I want to think that the aliens gave her the power to see the future so she could bring peace to the world
Arrival was not about a dead kid. Amy Adams stopped World War III from happening
Yeah something tells me that wasn’t the main reason someone complained
That commentator doesn’t sound like Charles Barkley at all
Ok I get that now. I apologize for over-simplifying what is obviously a very complicated social issue. That was not my intention.
Right I get that. I’m all for affirmative action for women and demonstrating to young girls that they can do anything a man can do. I’m not trying to downplay the importance of that, but I do believe that Emma Watson had a good take on this, in which men need to be included in the feminist movement. Some people don’t…
I suppose that’s true. I know it’s more complicated than I made it seem, but I think the idea behind it still remains the same: equality for all. Idk how we achieve that but I believe that’s the ultimate goal that we should all agree on.
As a Steelers fan and Pittsburgh native, I think it should be news when Joey Porter doesn’t get arrested
I always thought feminism was pretty simple. Men and women should be treated equally. In that sense, all who believe that is a feminist. No dilution, no soapbox, just equal treatment. Why do we need to argue semantics?
Dead Snow