
I know everyone likes to forget The Phantom Menace, but Maul has been to Tatooine. Furthermore, he knew Obi-Wan had been there as well. Maul probably figured it out from the visions he and Ezra had when they joined the holocrons together early in the season.

You know Gracie already thought they had died (after blowing out the pilot light on the hot water tank) and was only going in there to eat their faces.

I think mine would save me just because CO poisoning is too fast and painless a death for me.

Seemed more like “Kawhi Gets Admonished by Pop, Responds with Massive Dunk”

Hayden Christiansen being directed by someone who doesn’t view actors as a particularly tricky bit of machinery might be able to redeem himself somewhat. I’m willing to give him a chance.

I wonder what Butera did with his other two wishes.

Tearaway has not been a Plus title. They don’t repeat Plus titles.

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant” 

No, Games With Gold gets you 4 game per month that you only get if you claim them during the period they are offered. This gives you access to a back catalog of games regardless of when you start paying for access.

That means it’ll turn itself on even if you’re approaching it from behind, giving you a ton of new mounting options.

That means it’ll turn itself on even if you’re approaching it from behind, giving you a ton of new mounting options.

Jason Schreier posts about Nintendo Switch, causes the console be delayed 3 months. New Release date is 6/2.

Now playing

I just heard you guys asking about the point of Pitioss Ruins, and apparently it’s this reallllllly symbolic explanation of the backstory and lore, dealing with the conflict between Ifrit and the Astrals (Pitioss = Pit of Eos). There’s a great video explanation here (the title is weird, I’m not sure I agree with that

Not to pick nits, but the 2018 Olympics actually start one year from yesterday due to Korea being on the opposite side of the International Date Line of the U.S.

Droids are male, but spaceships are female. The Falcon is obviously a girl ; )

This could possibly threaten the integrity of the whole NFL.

McCourty said he believed attending the event is a personal choice and “I can’t imagine a way I go there.”

Yeah, Harlan really is a great play-by-play guy. Certainly a ton better than Buck.

If anyone does that, Black Bolt just has to whisper “Stop” and they disintegrate in a burst of blood and guts.