
I’m kinda happy this article was posted. I consider myself a jealous person. I kind of find it to be a mixture of being the oldest out of four daughters and wanting my time with my parents, and the resault of a shitty long-distance relationship.

I’ve discovered that my mental space is not currently wanting to reconcile my highschool fantasy with my current understanding of society.

Such an awesome Johanna!


The majority of Target’s don’t play music. the Intercom is usually just used for announcments. Probably someone had fun in the fitting room or on one of the ‘help me’ phones. lol

The music vid is hecka cute. In a Kill Bill/ Tomb Raider kinda way.

This gif became my tumblr header as of oct 1st.

Kinda dumb, but Heavy Objects little description instantly made me think of Megami Kouhose. (Canidate for Goddess.)

I made this one of myself, for my tumblr to celebrate the spoopyiest time of year.

realize it’s not sexy or game related, but this is the latest Figma I’ve bought. I can’t bring myself to open her yet. I open my Sailore Moon, Tel-os, (not Figma) Naughty woody and “kitty cat” Sakura, but this one/she just makes me happy.

Kovira’s face ftw. It is a true example of the face that takes no shit.

This is a Zoid. This is totally a Liger with an awesome redesign. I know need these to be real so my Liger Zero can have some Buddies.

Yes. This please.

Damn. This is actually pretty accurate from my sisters and I’s experience with games. We all played video games, though we all started with games that didn’t allow for online play. (Nintendo games, and psx and ps2 pre-networking.)

I really hope the game gets it. The beta has been fun, and I really liek the idea of defending gigantic monsters versus statues.

Confirmed with my manager at work, we get halloween stuff the end of august, xmas the first week of september. At most, a 2 week late-ness on both. Christmas sucks, Haloween allows for candy and not caring galore-if you chose not to and no one normally complains lol.

Not legit defense, but atleast Jo-Annes and other craft stores have the excuse that it does take time to make those perfect Martha Stewart worthy center pieces before the skeleton war starts.

Dammit, still gray -.-’’

Eh, not the gag reflex. The jaw ache. My dude wants me to give him bjs all the time, but I’m like, ‘Nope, quickies faster and my jaw doesn’t ache all day.”