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Here you go, sweetie. Fun, happy, and violent all at once!

But what about people who saw Dunkirk because of Mark Rylance?

Madam! Do not derange yourself!

He’s a graduate of the Donald Trump Jr. School of Acting Human.

I got all excited to hear about Bieber getting hit with a golf cart.

Like when Kim tweeted a much more explicit point about the refugee ban over the weekend?

Great piece. And may I recommend getting fat? I am completely invisible now. But nothing makes men angrier than a fat feminist who loves herself. Example number one - Lindy West. She rocks.

I wouldn’t recommend it.

I hate to be a downer, but this is the first year that I’ll watch “Love Actually” with the knowledge that Alan Rickman is no longer with us.

If you want to see Emma and Alan in an actual good movie, watch Sense & Sensibility instead. The only reason the crapfest that is Love, Actually gets pulled out year after year is the intentionally pandering Christmas theme.

It was so good! I caught it at a midnight screening and loads of angry men were shouting about how it was ‘bollocks’ after the credits rolled. Oh, I am terribly sorry for the existence of a film where not everyone is a white man.

Notsies don nied nuh lernin


Yeah because being violently suicidial is SO much better. Antidepressants saved my life, don’t spout that kind of dangerous ignorance.

Do you even go here?

They were a border state, with many bloody battles fought there.

Anthropologically, this is a ritualized event in which one man takes ownership of a commodity (female purity) which at a later date is transferred to another man, thus making even heterosexual marriage a transaction of commodity-transfer between two men. The female in this circumstance is of no value other than being