
All good points, but that still doesn't mean the won't do a good job with that story line if they do that for SpiderMan. that being said. I haven't like any of the X-Men movies either.

I for one wouldn't want to see the Spider-Man movies move in the direction of the Clone Saga. It was the main reason that I stopped reading the Spider-Man comics. I just felt that the whole clone storylines where just so badly written and handled to a point where I was say enough, I have better thing to do with my

Things to do when its cold outside.

either Toronto doesn't have the money to clear up the wreckage, or the Canadian Heritage Society is preventing the clean up by declaring the site National heritage site

Man I need to re-read this book, I don;t remember the couple on the bench with Richard.

how can we call that a life size cake of a unicorn. we don't really know how big they got do we?

So this brings up the question of when is the next disaster movie about blowing up an asteroid heading for Earth going to be made and will it be called Disaster 2032.

glad to hear the start date for lost girl is out. though I still have to get around to watching season 3.

man the headaches and the nausea, that is something that I can live without no problem

Well we all know that this is going to lead to a supervillian with powers over gravity.

Did they yell, Its heading straight for Us! before they shot it?

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the cartoon as a teen, & is a small way I even liked the first movie despite its short comings. But I really wouldn't want to see another He-Man movie ever made again. Unless it was a Robot Chicken one.

I would have to go with the development of Insulin, without it my Grandmother would not have lived long enough to have my mother & there for I also would not be a live.

I think one source suggest that they died out because their food source also disappeared around the same time. so starvation.

I wouldn't exactly call this one steampunk.

Got to kill the Fish Tank, best line ever.

well over all water quality has dropped over the years, but I just can't see how coconut shell filter is supposed to clean it all up for you. still if I was to get a reusable water bottle I would prefer to get one made of glass.

what! didn't Kirk Cameron already do a rapture movie with he wife? why would we need another one. well something else to ignore.

I don't think that I have ever associated Cyber with War or Sex. I guess I just don't keep my head where everyone else has been when it comes to that words use.

None of this movies has interested me, if Hollywood still want to make them no skin off my noise. I still won't bother watching them.