Rey is god! duh! Also Ren could hold blaster fire in place like a pause button but Ren could escape his mind meld... so Rey = new jedi god. #EndofStarWars
Rey is god! duh! Also Ren could hold blaster fire in place like a pause button but Ren could escape his mind meld... so Rey = new jedi god. #EndofStarWars
Here here, and Squall is just fine being angsty cos that’s how they flesh him out!
Well im lucky this is’nt grammar gestapo board then. Witch-fu!
Where is Dollhouse or Battlestar? We would’nt have Orphan Black without either... lets have an actor be a different person every other episode lol!
The rage fit that is Zero Punctuation still to this day says that nothing beats Silent Hill 2... and thats why he is one of the few “reviewers” i will ever respect! 3 is pretty good too mind!
I think its really bad that people associate everything with break dancing OR move busting. Dance can be jerky and animal like, conventions are BORING!
PS4 is old now.... even with a conservative console spend in a years time they could get the same performance..
Why does the infertility have to be the point that makes her a monster? I would of thought.. say the whole being a remorseless assassin for so long, that may be a teeny wee bit monstrous. But potatoes and tomatoes, you can eat one or other or both.
Its not the time to discuss it because the “rabble rabble” is still going and churning, ready to attack.
HOT messes! (hot refering to there effortless celebrity and cool)
duh and or hello?!?!?!? No list is complete... although I know you can argue for the rest of the Eva girls but Asuka should be a given!
Lol yea, I thought the little waterfall made it very gay porno. TBH uncharted has always had that vibe. Gotta love dat swag hipster jeans dancing on my screen.
Could be she loses or finds the rifle in interval shots.
yes really
All hail the God Bomb!
You are missing Smash Bros Melee Sheik!
Your forgot Lettie Mae and Lafayette pointlessly digging for Tara!
Last Exile - Freaking amazing story and decent cgi elements incorporated for flight sequences and dog fights! Really pretty character designs too.