
Oh, this happens to me all the time, too. A few years ago I spoke to my father about something he made me do (not sexual or harmful, just a scary physical swimming challenge) when I was very young, and he vehemently denied that anything like that and would never do that to a young girl. Yeah—he may not remember it

I think what he said was pretty fair. “I don’t remember” seemed like an honest statement especially when he followed it up with “I am not calling you a liar.”

My immediate family members said and did a whole lot of awful shit to me when I was a kid so much so we not exactly tight as adults. I don’t want to be.

I think those who display a very basic misunderstanding of what free speech is are the people who make me want to burn the internet to the ground the most.

He keeps talking about how he wants a second chance, ignoring the fact he’s had a million second chances to not sexually assault women, but here we are.

The McGowan suspension is just an example of the larger problem with free speech in the United States. Americans are conditioned to think of free speech as how far you’re willing to go to protect white supremacist terrorists (i.e. the right of the KKK to march on a town) and not how far you’re willing to go to protect

He somehow believes that he’s more sympathetic as a “reformed rapist/serial sexual assaulter” than any of his victims.

Fucking bullshit.

The only part about all of this I find even remotely surprising is that Weinstein clearly thinks that he’s on track for a comeback.

I’m not doing OK, but I’m trying. I gotta get help guys.

As much as I hope both of them trip into an active volcano, I would watch this on pay per view.

Remember those simple salad days when he was just accusing his predecessor of wire tapping him? Or perhaps the Bowling Green Massacre? Those events seem like eons ago. There is no bottom, we are just going to keep plunging into the abyss.

It hasn’t been a year...

I worked in advertising (I no longer do because it’s evil and adds nothing of value to the world but I digress), and an ad like that by a huge company like Dove (or the parent company Unilever) goes through a LOT of people. This was not a handful of tone deaf idiots, this was a lot of tone deaf idiots. Baffles the

I’ve never witnessed such hatred for a man who is willing to work to make his country a better place. It is pathological- the way James Woods et al have treated Barack Obama.

Same with Ben Rapelisberger and Jameis Winston. People love rapists if they are talented.

You should hear the screeching when I bring up Kobe Bryant is a rapist.

I’ll keep doing the same as always: At least waiting until more details become available, before forming an opinion on Nelly’s innocence or guilty. So far the authorities are doing roughly what they should be doing. They took the allegations seriously. I don’t know enough about those allegations to know whether or not

Pretty sure the (unstated) reason is:

:( Nothing to say other than I hope for a fast recovery for her. The world could use much more of her.