
Super fragile masculinity. That’s why it cracks me up that he’s a hero to people that say things like alpha male and cucks.

But somehow the President of Mexico was able to contact the United States and offer support and assistance... last week.

He didn’t “become” a billionaire, he inherited money from his father and actually has done worse with it than if he had just invested in a fund directly tied to the S&P.

This man can’t let anything go. That is why I’m convinced he wanted to run and win because of the White House correspondence dinner. That’s also why he wants to get rid of anything obama did.

He walks right into every damn issue. Dude, we’ll stop making small hand jokes when you stop pointing them out.

Just once I’d like this asshole to not be a fucking tool for an hour!

I hate to agree with noted dickwad Steve Fucking King, but he is right about none of Trump’s promises being credible.

I saw Se7en on a first date! I left the cinema, went directly home and locked all the doors and windows– when I realized I didn’t even say goodbye to my date.

I am looooving the reaction from right wingers with the DACA issue. The rendering of garments and gnashing of teeth is giving me life.

C) Trump stopped paying attention 3 minutes into the meeting and just started nodding and saying ‘yup!’ and is only now finding out what he agreed to.

So, as I see it, the two possibilities that explain there being THIS wide a disparity between the publicly disclosed takeaways by the involved parties regarding this dinner about DACA and the wall and all of that:

That’s a bad pick for a first date. Also Antichrist, or Angel Heart.

I know a couple that saw Eyes Wide Shut on their first date. They didn’t speak for a few weeks or months after that, but ended up getting married some 10 years later. (Fascinating story, no?)

This was a first date movie for me in 1987. Leaving the theater with my date was an awkward vibe. Fantastic movie though, Glenn Close was magnificent, even/especially when she was completely unhinged. Alex was easily the most sympathetic character in the story.

I had the same reaction. I remember thinking toward the end of the movie, “JFC, you brought this on yourself, you asshole.”

I have never been a Michael Douglas fan — I think he’s a real douche. Plus something about Ann Archer’s acting just rubs me the wrong way. So for me the only redeeming actor in that movie was Glenn Close.

I didn’t hate this movie because of how it treated single women who worked. I hated it because Michael Douglas’s character, Dan, treated Alex terribly. Yeah, she stalked him and his family, but he jumped into bed with her without a care in the world and tried to discard her because their affair became inconvenient

Well, the alternative is that more women become public officials, which is even more dangerous, what with their weak ladybrains, inclination toward hysteria, ungovernable sexualities, and all that blood coming out of their whatevers.

Much like the insistence that it’s grossly unfair to ask men to cook, clean or care for their children, because their poor little brains can’t handle it, but somehow they’re perfectly capable of running companies and countries.

I’m confused. If these men are so “weak” and unable to control themselves around a teenager, then why are they in power in the first place? Shouldn’t that exempt them from being put into such positions if they can’t stop getting their dicks out and snapping pics?