
Who said his wife wanted to sit next to him?

Ya, sure.  Behaving like a douche bag is always the correct answer.

I solo paddle canoes just fine on one side. Just gotta know how to paddle properly.

Earlier this summer I had the pleasure of co-driving an STI at Autocross with 3 stock Yokohama Advan tires, and 1 Sumitomo tire (mounted driver rear). He slashed a tire driving through a construction area and couldn’t get a Yokohama before the event.

Hmm, that’s strange, cause if there’s anything I’ve learned in all my years of adulting, it’s that every dealership I’ve ever been to is full of a bunch of lying douche bags.

Could you guys find out the answer to this question:

Anyone who thinks being a real enthusiast has anything at all to do with owning a specific make/model of a vehicle has no clue whatsoever what a real enthusiast actually is.  I didn’t both reading beyond that statement.

Mark Twain said it best:  Never argue with an idiot.  They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

I’m gonna be blunt.  I really don’t give a fuck about cars that are unobtainable.  Frankly, Ford can Fuck off with all their GT bullshit.  They originally wanted to beat Ferrari, now it seems they want to become Ferrari.

In most cases, it’s simply because the car was already turning, and when the rear tires spin, and rear traction drops, the back of the car slides to the outside of the turn.

We at Koenigsegg are not willing to stand by on the sidelines and observe this wrongful and harming behavior without reacting

Lots could’ve been done to a new front-engine platform to improve performance if they had gone that route.

thank you for publicly and willingly displaying your bigotry.

Given their GT debacle and GT350 history, it’s extremely likely the GT500 will have a substantial dealer markup as well.

Cause that works so well for drugs, assault, rape, and theft.

driverless vehicles without human controls should not be permitted on public roads until data proves the cars are safe.

HOAs are a cancer of conformity. They’re the epitome of ‘You’re free to live your life, as long as it’s how we tell you.’

It really comes down to how you interpret the obelus, which is more ambiguous than a horizontal line or even a slash.

Just throw a corner at that Tesla, and it falls on its face. Why do you think nobody shows track times for Tesla’s? Simple, they don’t handle for shit.

but modern cars aren’t built for enthusiasts or the DIY guy