
It doesn’t matter how fancy the canvas is. If the artist is shit then it’s going to be a shit piece of work. Just because Unity is fancier doesn’t mean the “developer” is going to use it properly and make stunning games out of nothing.

You sad poor hipster. Do you need a hug from big brother?

What does Reindeers have to do with Jesus? I’m sorry Christians but to me Christmas has and will always be a time for Santa and his spirit of giving and being friendly to strangers and reuniting with friends and families. Not anything about Jesus. A star sits on top my fake tree, not an Angel.

I got tricked once into these “game packs”. They obviously hide the fact that; 1. They count each level as a single game and 2. There’s thousands of the same game just re-skinned badly.

Shrek Origin story? Is Mike Meyers out of Monopoly money? Is Dreamworks out of animals they can print money off of? What does that have to do with Blizzard? Ogres confirmed for Legion? Are Ogres the new class?

There’s countless things you could get away with in 1958 that you could not today.

Is this a story because a cop beat on a little girl or is it a story because the little girl happened to be black?

I remember not liking this game because you had to have their “premium” to make your own game/room to play with friends only.

You actually can vote for who you want as our ballets have a extra slot on them for write ins. If enough people wrote Kanye West into the write in then the government has no choice but to elect Kanye West as President.

He should probably tell his wife that.

I’ll take a Thick Black girl over a Skinny white girl any day. More to love, more fun.

Since they’re just updating the game every year, it’s easy to see the DLC add up as they all still work for the same game year after year. At least they give people who bought 2015 the new versions when they come out. I’m sure the DLC can easily be substituted with the games Work Shop. You can get a Hogwart’s Express

Because the only way to play Smash is on a console, which Nintendo even gave up on with their upcoming NX, that has no support. Plus you’d have to play with a console controller made for five year old hands.

Just here to say thanks to whoever chose the display image to just say “Jezebel”. Even though I clicked to say thanks it was a nice warning that I could just skip this “article” about a bunch of hens pecking at nonsense.

Marvel doesn’t have enough games. They need to release more that aren’t based on upcoming movies or made by Capcom. Still waiting on that Marvel Universe that Marvel Heroes fucking aint, no matter how much they want to say it is.

For the friends name change thing. Just right click their name in the friends list and you can give them a nickname that shows up next to their username in brackets. The nickname never changes even if they’re username does.

Or course there’s a lot of shooters. But most of them are shit. Variety is great in game choices and even great when there’s more non-shit games to have as options.

Self brain got insulted and stopped taking in words half way through...

Well yeah, it did work for Diablo III as it sold about 5 Million copies on PC. Which is what matters when thinking about bring a game to a system. We will buy games. They just have to give them to us and accept that some minority of people will take their game and not pay for it.