
If I can get Hearthstone on this tablet then Fallout Shelter shouldn’t be a problem.

That have a phone. No one bought it, but there’s a phone. I think they paid to have it used in Flash or Arrow. I remember an Amazon logo on the back of one of their phones. They sure used Window’s Surface tablets a lot on those shows. Product placement!

Yeah and you’d probably double that if you tore out the concessions and replaced it with a dozen vending machines. Saving money on only hiring one guy to refill the machines instead of the 3 or 4 it takes to make popcorn.

Is Kindle third fiddle? Or is that Windows? I only have a Kindle device but it’s as powerful as most phones are and runs Android but sadly no Google Store.

Wow. Why you got to bring my snacking on dicks into this like it’s a negative thing? That’s a hate crime, brah. You know who doesn’t do hate crimes? Vending Machines.

Concessions is a stupid way to make money. Instead, they should add a fee to the tickets or an entrance fee, like a toll. Running your place on $8 popcorns and $5 sodas is stupid if that’s what’s keeping your business from shutting down.

Work is suppose to be hard. That’s why it’s called WORK. That’s why you’re paid to do it. I’m helping you appreciate your job by making it still viable. You know what robots are good at? Printing out tickets and vending snacks. You know what they’re not good at? Picking up styrofoam cups in a slanted room with very

Commenters who believe in balance and fairness! Who get called assholes by butts which sticks are deeply within, ones with splinters that can’t easily be removed. More on that after these quick words from our sponsors.

That’s because the beggars can afford homes from the money, people give them. These are not dirty looking people sometimes it’s young kids who are waiting outside Burger King(what’s at the corner of Wal-Mart) and just begging for money. Which they get. It sure clogs the traffic here.

Hey, if they can charge $8 for popcorn then they can pay for a janitor to clean up garbage. Do I leave shit on purpose? No. Do I worry about forgetting to pick up my drink cup when I’m already outside the theater? No. They can afford it.

Oh, I don’t mind paying for movies. I usually go during matinee hours when tickets are half price and the theater is usually empty so I get to watch Avengers in a theater that’s just me and maybe six other people who keep their distance.

They chose to work at a place like that. You slept in the bed you make, brah.

I understand people leaving messes in theatres. If they’re going to charge insane prices for concessions then they can clean up my crap I leave behind.

And the third game I actually care about at E3 after Fallout 4 and Dishonored 2. Also using Aisha Tyler every E3 is why I love Ubisoft. I don’t care how shit their games are. They know their audience and I approve!

Seeing how the largest population of US Citizens is in California, 40 Million of them, followed by Texas, another 27 Million, followed by Florida, another 20 million. It seems you don’t understand that nearly 1/3 of the US Population lives in the south where there’s constant sun.

I don’t understand how people play games waiting for the bus. Are these only people under the protective shade of a tree or a bus stop or do they have some sort of magical phone that has a screen that’s viewable when direct sunlight is shining on it? I live in the desert and clouds are rare outside of late fall and

Clean air is a thing of the wealthy don’t you know? Anyways, I said like Nar Shadda, not an exact replica. We can keep the lawless cyberpunk grime and lose the inability to breath freely.

It stayed a secret longer than Fallout 4 did. So they didn’t do too bad.

I always expect cats in public to sit on people’s shoulders like parrots.

I enjoyed the story more than NV. The father-son thing got to me and Liam Neeson is your dad, can’t beat that if you’re a fan. Same how I only really love ESO because Dumbledore is your spirit guide.