I would like to see that Mustang rally. It can go against Porsche and maybe BMW in the new GT class of rallying. THAT, is something i would watch.
I would like to see that Mustang rally. It can go against Porsche and maybe BMW in the new GT class of rallying. THAT, is something i would watch.
Do like, would buy, NP.
Also, brown is a colour i very rarely like on a car, but it suits this down to the ground.
It doesn’t sound angry, it sounds glorious!
I liked it enough when i could watch the Infinity series for free here in the UK on Motors TV. I would tune in regularly but then it disappeared. I went looking and found it was all behind pay walls, and that was that.
I’d probably go for the kill option, the worlds a little crowded, and i’m probably heading to hell anyway.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should eat bland and light on a race weekend.
NP! My mother had a GTI in a Pinkish/Red when i was a child, as such i will always have a place for one of these in my heart.
Also, and 8 seater estate with a still useful boot (trunk) made this just the most practical family and friends hauler we ever had. Why don’t people make good looking and good to drive cars like…
A picture full of win, literally and figuratively. I would be very happy to own any of them.
FYI they aren’t the standard headlights. The standard headlights are more ‘brick like’ is that makes sense. You can see the shape the light should be, those twin round lights are known as ‘Morette’ headlights, after the company that made the aftermarket kits for them.
They won’t want their brands competing too much with each other. I would like to think that Mitsubishi will become the performance arm, so we can have Ecplises and FTOs. I don’t think that will happen though, it will probably end up as Nissan’s discount brand.
Looks like Adenauer Forst. Tricky bit of the track.
They won’t bring the 3000GT/GTO back as it would compete against the GTR. However something like the Eclipse or FTO might work as there isn’t really a Nissan alternative. Either that or you’ll end up with Mitsubishi as the ‘normal’ car arm and Nissan as the ‘performace’ arm, or visa’versa.
You’ve managed to perfectly express in a couple of paragraphs something i’ve been struggling to articulate for 10 years. Thank you.
Whenever i see a dragster blowup, i’ve always got the voice of Steve Evens narrating it in my mind, as the ‘And They Walked Away’ series were almost my first introduction to most American racing series.
I too thought it had hydraulic-ed and split the block at first, that is one MASSIVE blower.
I couldn’t NP this fast enough.
I like it when manufactures use names like this. I learn there’s a new Skoda coming, i also learn about Bears, win win.
An almost un-quantifiable amount of want in one picture. If i had to choose, it would be the No.16 Mustang. But really, any of them would be amazing.
I really like those, probably more than i should.....
The UK has something similar, it’s called an M.O.T. Every car over 3 years old has to be tested once a year. It’s governed by VOSA, so, other than the differences between cars, the test is the same. I used to work in a garage and can confirm it is needed, as some people literally have no clue on how to maintain a…
I believe the doorbell noise is a collision indicator on the dashcam. Don’t quote me on that though.