
@CanceRuss: Jalopnik readers already know of the Jay Lenos and Ralph Laurens

Some people use the big bouncy workout balls. I'm sure it's more cheaper.

@Sublethalend: It's synthol injection. It physically inflates the muscle when you inject it in.

@hilikusopus: Haven't had a beer since 2009 (been paleo since), but Dog Fish Head was probably my favorite brewery. Just the aroma of their 90 minute IPA kept me pleasantly busy.

What's the point of a case if it costs that much? I put a case on my phone so I can resale it and make some money back. If you can afford this then I imagine you can afford to go case-less with some full coverage insurance. No case is as nice as no case at all.

@RW-1: Instead of repainting and shit, can't they digitize it and come up with software that makes up for the change in magnetic poles?

@ichiban1081: I've been using bronners for at least 5 years now, and I've been paleo for almost 2 years now (very strictly, haven't had dessert, bread, or dairy of any kind). I'm going to stop using soaps starting today.

@anitesh.jaswal: Wrong, Motorla makes quality hardware. They bulletproofed Nextels and their entire Droid line on Verizon is of awesome build quality. I'd say even the razr was pretty good back in the day and had good build quality.

@CaffineFreakUs: What are you talking about? It has an HDMI out.

Sorry they made you write this article Matt, makes you look like a huge ignorant d-bag. I mean WOW, you really sound worse than some annoying 13 year old fanboy.

It's really not that complicated, just stop being a fat ass.

@Eddard: The series deserves to be remade in HD with better visuals and effects.

@Destronok: I agree with most your points but just wanted to make clear that the monowalker is strapped to shoulders and hips.

@john144001: Movies are free so I'll probably take a look eventually. These mindless movies are perfect to play in the background while surfing the web or something.

@groundlessnfree: Size of the screen doesn't matter, just the resolution.

It's so funny how you nerds get so brainwashed by the media to get on the Tron movie bandwagon. All your favorite websites get on the bandwagon and then the profiled readers of those websites jump on the band wagon. I'm sure this movie will suck as bad as Avatar.

Is that a stock Swype keyboard or a theme you applied?

@lain1k: I've been on the paleo diet for almost 2 years, plan to keep it that way. Haven't had any dairy or grains since I started.