
I thought owning a Prius was it’s own chastity belt.

Judge Randy Stoker should be bombarded with actual mail to his home address, since, ya know — he hates the Internet and thinks it’s a good excuse for rape. But since I’m not privy his home address, he can be reached here:

Am I the only red-blooded Portland beer snob who thinks IPAs taste like licking a skunk’s butt?

Interesting, I didn’t know I could disagree so thoroughly with a single person! I’ve played every main Final Fantasy from 1 through 15 (excepting 13, could not make myself like it) and this is without a doubt my second favorite. I view it as a towering achievement and a game that confidently rises above its flaws (and

Nice to see an overwatch article by someone who didn’t sign her soul over to the devil by maining Roadhog.

I play Roadhog, Pharah, Mercy, Dva, Mei and Symmetra with regularity. Lately, after the changes, a lot of Symmetra. I just have my favorite little piggy.

No Terra? No Faris? Not even Rydia? For shame, FOR SHAME.

I feel like a single flag in the middle of the map would have worked better here. Everyone rushes to grab it and take it back to their side. It prevents turtling around your own flag, but still requires a capture. And you have the push/pull when the flag is constantly dropped and picked up and moved back and forth to

Yes, World of Goo, the 2008 game that exists not only on the Wii, but also on BLACKBERRY OS, is what’s gonna make the difference here...

I’ve only played 3 matches of it. 2 were draws. I’m going back to Mystery Heroes.

I don’t need an e-sport to tell me I’m masturbation champion.

You’re an idiot.

I have jump on the paddle underneath and it makes it so easier to aim mid jump because i don’t need to have my right thumb on A instead of the right stick. I can even change directions while jumping and wall running and aim while wall running more easily now

Sun and Moon are out, Poke’Go was a time killer but it’s time to move on to the real thing ;)

It’s amazing for halo 5, since mobility in that game depends on how well you can use the myriad abilities and their respective cooldowns. Sprint,slide, jump, boost is a hell of a lot more convenient to pull off with the right timing when you don’t have to push down on sticks.

I fucking love DJ Shadow. Thanks for this!

I can’t believe you people lack the ability to read the first 2 sentences...

Tune in next week!