I havent played it but I kept reading!! I wish this was multiplatform so incase hell doesnt freeze over and I can play this on Xbox/PC/Switch please spoil everything so i can read and pretend i’m there.
You guys need to stop leaving!
I miss a lot of things from living in NYC. Pizza, being one of them. I do NOT miss alternate side of the street parking. Stay safe out there!!
I broke my hand on Feb 10th. Ive been working from home since then. I have gone into work a few times since then but last three weeks Ive been working from my couch.
I cant wait to play this! 2.5 more weeks and my cast comes off.
Seriously. a 150k Gallardo for 35k may not have been a niiiice pipe but it wouldve been a better pipe than a crack pipe.
Upon reading the headline and a quickglance at the photo my initial response was HELL F’in YEA BABY 32k LAMBO! IM IN!!!! and then read the first sentence and crashed so far into the mountain at the name of the celestial body Saturn.
I love waving at similar makes as Im driving.... Ive owned a ‘98 accord (never got waved at), 2010 Mini (Got lots of waves), 2015 Forester XT (no waves, except from another Forester XT ‘14), and a 2019 WRX (I get multiple waves on each time i pull her out of the garage).
is it time to get into this? I like the sound of this kind of season ....
I can’t wait to mow again... I have a 48" lawn tractor and a 42" 0turn. The 0 turn satisfies my OCD like nothing else as I can keep the lines going from front to back
I literally will get one piece of actual mail a month, the rest is all junk. The post office hates me because the only time i check the mail is on trash day so that it comes right out of the mailbox into the trash bin.
I can’t wait! After playing DOS2 I have no fear that larian will create the closest recreation of D&D in a video game!!!
I think I timed my ‘19 WRX lease perfectly! If all the stars align when my lease runs out ill move into one of these.
Good on you. I also had a mini cooper ... id tell the story but i broke my arm in 3 places on monday night. Long story short, i slathered on some epoxy and traded it in for a Subaru Forester XT
I love the racoons around my 1.5 acre expanse of NE Ohio country. they 100% know how to fuck with my dogs and its hysterical.
Riley my man! I took about a year off from overwatch but I am back now in full affect! Sigma is a bad ass tank!
So this game is right up my alley and I got on my xbox thru game pass. I am having a seriously hard time with it and i dont know why.
This is cool but its not the same as my TI-89 from college..... and if you want my TI-89 you will have to pry it from my cold dead hands!