
it shouldnt matter. with draft kings, its like a new season every week. enter promo code: deathhurricane and we’ll match your first deposit up to $200. play today!

I find myself vaguely fascinated (in a horrified sort of way) at how badly this book seems to be written based on your updates.

My God those uniforms get worse upon each viewing.

Possibly the worst first post in Deadspin history, and I had a really shitty first post here!

I see this is your first post. Should probably be your last.

I think it tells you nothing about Harper and a lot about the person asking the question.

Curt Schilling shared an article by Lee Judge

Honestly, making a woman cum during foreplay is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Works in a few ways:

Fitting, seeing as the Rockies often can't get to first.


It’s refreshing to see an argument between a black man and a white guy with guns end without any casualties.

Did you want your 3 year old to kill himself?

He blocked me on Twitter after I told him what a nice time I had at his bankruptcy sale at his old home. Sometimes I wonder if I took that too far.

You’re wayyyy too low. You need to add 1 for each person who worked at 38 Studios that got shit-canned.

Fuck you, ESPN. Seriously.

What’s the over/under on how many Thanksgivings Curt has ruined? He’s 48, so I’m going to put it at 20.

“Curt, you’re too racist to broadcast during the regular season when the only people watching are fantasy baseball nerds, so we’re suspending you until the playoffs, when everybody starts paying attention.” - ESPN management

It looks like Curt Schilling was right. His timeline is proof that an ape doesn’t evolve.

Makes sense. Trying too hard is kind of pewdiepie’s thing.
