
Thank god. Hey fatties! You’ve been deemed fuckable by this lady and therefore a person of worth! Congratulations!

Body dysmorphia sucks, but insisting to other people that you’re fat when you’re not actively harms people who are actually fat. This is Rachel Dolezal-level shit, and it needs to stop.

I should probably admit right now that I am fat myself. I’m barely 5′1″ and 135 pounds and wear a size 6 and a 34DD

Maybe it’s because I am 5’0” 195lbs... but I have been 5’0” and 135lbs (Not to mention DD boobs) and in no way can I possibly consider that anywhere in the realm of “fat.” To me that is super in shape. I don’t have a problem with fat, but I just don’t think any reasonable person would consider a 5’1” 135lb woman or a

Excuse me? A Bulbasaur for a Vulpix?

Perfect. $1,300 to read comics. Sounds like a good investment.


Why Your Team Sucks 2015: Apple

“Buffalo Bills general manager Doug Whaley said he had the same results when he asked prospects a question about defenses shifting from a common scheme called “cover 2” to an equally mundane tactic called “cover 3.”

College kids are wholly unprepared for the real world? You don’t say!

What if you could design an offense to minimize the passing deficiencies of modern quarterback prospects?

Like so?

1. Don’t.

Ahh, you never disappoint, 50 Shades of Jim Gray. You’re just like my father, except you’re always there for me.

Also can I say fuck “Boston Strong” too? Being in Worcester when a bomb went off and killed some people you have no relation to does not make you stronger. You’re still a douchebag.

People who think Boston is the best city in the world have only been there and Akron.

Right here haters....right here. The Champs are Here!!!

I’m ready for this hate parade, Deadspin. I’ve got my Andre Tippett jersey on, I’m drunk, and I’m not wearing any underwear. But if I were, you can be DAMN SURE that they’d be emblazoned with a Pat Patriot logo.