
If they only would ditch the retina bs already and build in a coffee-maker or redbull dispenser. That would meet my needs. My eyes aren't retina anymore.

Well with a 4K beamer my couch is just in the zone at 10 feet

Anyone who is not willing to take a bullet to keep an Apple device safe from harm is unworthy of the title fanboy #hoorah

IR is a low energetic electromagnetic wave with a frequency that is just under the visible spectrum, the lowest visible is red hence the name infrared. A laser is a coherent source of electromagnetic waves that is tuned to a single frequency. There is no laser in the Wii or WiiMote! There is an infrared camera in the

IR is a low energetic electromagnetic wave with a frequency that is just under the visible spectrum, the lowest visible is red hence the name infrared. A laser is a coherent source of electromagnetic waves that is tuned to a single frequency. There is no laser in the Wii or WiiMote! There is an infrared camera in the

2.5 bil - 0.5 bil = 2 bil, it is in the article but involves math

Protecting current revenue channels that are so flawed that consumers find it easier to download their favorite tv series on-demand from illegal sources is very very wise indeed. The remark that he knows more than Steve Jobs on a particular subject seems to me he is hiding his incompetence regarding that subject and

As a producer I can say most of us aren't lazy. I actualy pick out the best vocal takes, combine them if possible (only works when two takes are pretty identical in emotion and timing). Then if needed, which is on roughly 3 notes per album, I use autotune to correct important notes that were just a little too much off

Nope I just found all the ingredients online here in Amsterdam, can't wait to go shopping tomorrow!

Your story looks very legal and plausible, but with the current copyright laws it isn't. Somebody who has the (licensed) publishing/broadcast right is the only one who is allowed to broadcast or re-broadcast the work to the end user. They paid a lot of license costs to be able to do just that. It doesn't matter if the

I've been an MacOS/OSX/Windows developer for 20 years now and I actually agree on the article. The best UI feature of Lion I found was they fixed the scroll direction! That is what I call bold, fixing a thing that has been an accepted UI 'error' for over 10 years. But I agree wholeheartedly the UI stuff that look like

No it is included in the $99/year developer fee. It's free, applying your app for inclusion in the app store isn't though ($500 if I remember correctly). MS has had it since Vista, but it is too darn expensive and tiring to get it Windows Certified, so most Windows developers (me too) just put in the installer

Comet entering atmosphere? Good spot!

Yeah I wonder, which country did invent them...

Dunno, maybe they're stuck on 6000 series due to backwards compatibility? I think if half the 360 titles run on a 720 that would be good enough for most users to survive the release year with only a few native 720 titles.

Well, I have a similar setup (iPad + USB Audio interface) for recording songs where ever I am. But.... I don't know why but after some months it became terrible unstable, I won't use it anymore as it probably would result in embarrassment (again). So I went back to my old faithful Boss Micro BR...

In the end it took a day to build but you can't imaging how many days went into the meetings

I noticed the same thing as Spacedsnake, a cable seems to move from left to right until it hits the main rotor, exactly at that point the heli starts resonating violently, this kind of force is likely to result in the tail falling off. You might notice that the body shakes more than the tail.

Try to drive your car in a devastated area. Creepy crawlers do not rely on a smooth surface to be mobile.