
How much has this Mr Shankman invested in Mortons btw?

If a device needs overclocking to be snappy then there is a serious design error. If even HP can't optimize it, it definitely seems flawed. Although 3rd party Android hardware vendors are a bit lazy, HTC build the spec with Google so I consider them 1st party, Android is the only platform that can compete with iOS

It is not so spectacular that our food can be kept safe from bacteria, more importantly Bisin could make food available for third world countries and disaster struck areas where refrigerating is a luxury.

So, these are just small electrostatic speakers? Hmm, there are plenty of those around and the trouble with all small electrostatics is no bass nor low mids. If you've never heard phase accurate speakers before you'll be in for a treat though!

Being that small you'll be able to clog it in three uses and render it absolutely worthless! Just like your ultra compact camera viewfinder, whoohooo!

Some people simply lived too much, too early and too care free but now are caught by the after math. They're slaves to the situation they created them selves, and helped by shady 3rd parties. Then again there are a lot of people that don't have a notion of living at all, they should just continue what they were doing

With all the ADR going on and all the available sound libraries, nobody records ambient sound any more :) Years ago I used a Dummy Head and once a Head And Torso Simulator for classical recordings. Here is the Dummy Head wiki (+recordings): [en.wikipedia.org]

With all the ADR going on and all the available sound libraries, nobody records ambient sound any more :) Years ago I used a Dummy Head and once a Head And Torso Simulator for classical recordings. Here is the Dummy Head wiki (+recordings): [en.wikipedia.org]

With all the ADR going on and all the available sound libraries, nobody records ambient sound any more :) Years ago I used a Dummy Head and once a Head And Torso Simulator for classical recordings. Here is the Dummy Head wiki (+recordings): [en.wikipedia.org]

I actually am, and indeed this is 'just' stereo (not very accurate stereo even judging the video). I could not localize any sound coming from behind or under/above. Using a Head And Torso Simulator or dummy head ([en.wikipedia.org] one can almost capture 3D. But since each person has very different ear-shapes,

The OS X Audio Core is a (recent) option for the IOS developer (and btw midi has nothing to do with audio processing). I wish all the guitar fx apps used the Audio Core library (then it automagically supports my USB audio devices). but sadly there are only a few good ones. But amp modeling quality is not so much about

I work with tube amps in my studio, but when I write demo's on location I just rely on modeling. GarageBand records the clean guitar on its tracks and outputs the model you choose. So back in the studio I can transfer the clean guitar track to my DAW and re-amp the track (using a passive DI in reverse) through a tube

Knowing the other Griffin guitar gear, this probably is using the mini-jack (& onboard ADC) which makes it unsuitable for recording. Using it live on stage on the other hand, not many people will hear the crosstalk nor the narrow freq response. In both situations, soundwise the iOS apps blow Line6 pods out of the

The first was HTC's XDA they build for O2, people laughed at me not believing I was watching movies online in those days.

I rather have people pushing things over than having unsafe buildings that are perceived as being safe.

She's probably a better driver than you, no seriously: she has an ideal brain:bodyweight ratio.

They don't look they would survive my driver

iPhone pics or it didn't happen...

Think this has been sort-of done before about 30 years ago, I can remember I even tried to draw random lines on paper to see if my random pattern would generate a master piece.

Retina display?! It is just a screen with more pixels than the 3G had. Apple was a bit behind considering the screens on the BB and is catching up (fast) but to use the word 'retina' is like advertising 'power save mode' on tv's that have an power-on/off button.