
I rather have people pushing things over than having unsafe buildings that are perceived as being safe.

She's probably a better driver than you, no seriously: she has an ideal brain:bodyweight ratio.

They don't look they would survive my driver

iPhone pics or it didn't happen...

Think this has been sort-of done before about 30 years ago, I can remember I even tried to draw random lines on paper to see if my random pattern would generate a master piece.

Retina display?! It is just a screen with more pixels than the 3G had. Apple was a bit behind considering the screens on the BB and is catching up (fast) but to use the word 'retina' is like advertising 'power save mode' on tv's that have an power-on/off button.

Before I freak out and have to sue this guy, what is the current exchange rate for the Dollor?

@Matthew Weflen: I work with singers and I grew up listening to MJ. Sure there are songs that are worse but we are talking about vocal quality. After hearing the first sentence of the lyrics I was already convinced it wasn't him. I've heard better imposters.

@Kat Hannaford: It is 'simple' math describing repeating shapes within shapes, so it describes biological structures very well and is nowadays widely used by 2D/3D software to mimic tree's, leafs and seemingly random organic textures. It made photorealistic computer art happen, it shouldn't give you a rash :)

@Les Mikesell: My parents' old passive radiator speakers had big phase issues (undefined stereo imaging). It wasn't that bad at home though, but for mixing I love transmission line speakers which offer amazing phase coherence as well as an 'accurate' low end. But as with every speaker design: the execution should be

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: And you should! After using a passive Hafler set I've been mixing on the Hafler TRM8 for years now. (The old and heavy model not the later cheaper plastic version) and bring them to every session and using the default NS10 as a doorstop.

@Dougiefresh91: True, if I only see an interesting film poster on the street that is advertising its near future premiere, 1 out of 4 times I can find it on the internetz in retail quality (with lousy home made subtitles though).

Is it me or are those cheapo 'cool white' LEDs? The only light that looks pleasant seems to be the incandescent. Then why not light your garden with a single sodium vapor lamp? (Switched on/off by a IR detector to totally ruin the mood)

@RoboticSpacePenguin: I find reading on the iPad in direct sunlight pretty amazing for a non-e-ink screen. The high refresh rate (enabling scrolling/video/etc) plus its web browser and support for most documents makes it way more usable as a e-reader, for me atleast. The bad part is that the deep black levels of the

@theweakend: To be able to cope with such a sudden and substantial rise in traffic Facebook will have to invest in more servers and connections if you and I still want to be able to reach our Facebook pages.

@Dodge2002: Upper half of her right arm is partially hidden by her breast, which makes it look a bit unnatural, but I wouldn't say silicone.

Since 1968 you've probably been throwing 'dry water' in the trash can.

@Die Fledermaus: Hmm I don't hear Steve Reich's signature in it at all.