@TechHaze: Haha I have one too btw. (So where did I leave that banana...?)
@TechHaze: Haha I have one too btw. (So where did I leave that banana...?)
@TechHaze: Only monkeys HAVE a dt770pro
I'll bake him a cake when he manages to intercept my iphone while holding it in my left hand.
The word 'tackle' makes me nervous already.
@junior ghoul: Having control of electrons on nano scale could make very high density computer chips. If they can control the bubble forming and accurately measure the electrons in each bubble then we could have 27 cores instead of 6 in a single chip. (Rough calculations based on Intel 32nm chips and the average nano…
@tj: Wouldn't it be easier to just microwave your undies for a single second? 2.4GHz kicks the RFID right in the eh nuts. (Keep fire distinguisher at hand)
@Geisrud: Somalian space pirates will be grateful, spotting the ships with the highest ransom value is easy.
@Aaron Stein: if you need proof to believe or not then you are in good company as you are an atheist. Religions have never been about proof or repeatability.
@Nitesh Singh: maybe we atheist just have more humor and self-relativation (ok ok the jews aren't bad either).
@FritzLaurel: I can borrow your car, copy the code and I can borrow your car without even asking :)
@That Guy: Maybe you saw another video but on the video I saw it looked like stuff any 12 year old can do. Now we wait for the pranks the kids come up with ;)
@MacPro66: I patent half infinity so I can sue you for double damages (=twice infinity).
@AssuntaPabsy: The war has been over for 65 years, they lost, we won. The USA would never have made it to the moon or bomb the hell out of japan if they hadn't employed those german scientists who designed the V2.
@wætherman: That is because you do not create, you produce.
@truthtellah: Not sarcasm, he's just referencing the oldest marketing machines on this planet.
@Kaiser-Machead: Depending on how awkward it is, it even may have some grown up fantasy qualities!
@sbunny: I'm still in love with my BB9000, even with its lousy battery life I won't swap it for a 9700. A new Bold model with the same feel of the 9000 would be very very desirable indeed! We don't need no stinking sliders ;)
I love MaxMSP but now try: multitouch
@webdevmike: I never bought a iPhone for the same reason. There were better (tech+functionalitywise) options. Regarding usability and experience though, the iPhone wins handsdown.