J Whiteman


At least he did the right thing by taking responsibility and helping the victims family out, altho I would have gone beyond the funeral costs. 5k isn't much if you drive a Mclaren SLK and if they are as poor as some say, they could really use that 5k.

It seems like lights on the bike and a properly lit roadway would have been enough to avoid this. Lots of factors...

I think the real problem here is the lack of visibility. No street lights and I'm willing to bet the bike had no lights either.

Yeah, I have a feeling the biker wasn't using lights either.

I don't get it. He didn't seem to be endangering anyone....it looked like harmless fun.

Go do something constructive. Nobody likes jackass grammar Nazis.

Misleading Title. "These people built a paper airplane and had it fly across the desert" is much more accurate.


The 10 weapons, additions to the achievements (or whatever there called), and 4 maps is usually more than what you normally get.

If you believe they won't use that credit card information, your a fucking idiot.

It elementary. Save ammo = save money.

This is just bad design. If you pull both you better not miss because it will take you 10 seconds to just reacquire the target with that much kick. Plus, it's now impossible to conceal / carry in civilization.

"He was the modern day Robin Hood."

Now playing

None of the Lunar Remakes can compare to the original Sega CD version

I guess I'm just not impressed. It's still either pre-recorded or scripted or so limited in your control that it's just not impressive to me.

No, but its a better way of doing it (more control / quality) . And isn't that what matters?

It just makes it more challenging!

Great tip

I concur