J Whiteman

Really?? All that and no Super Troopers???

Don't these kids ever do their homework?

If the Bionic and this had a baby, I'd be all over it. Full qwerty keyboards are a HUGE plus to me.


When Raiden said his own name for the NA release...

I don't see how that's even remotely close. It's pronounced "Ride-N". Not "Rayden".

Aww...lets have a pity party for Apple not having yet another way to nickel and dime people.

I have no idea the engines they are using, but it does text to speech as well as speech to text (sends voice sample to online servers to do the comparisons, so a network connection is required). It's surprisingly accurate, only got 2 out of 9 words wrong when I was sending a text while driving home at 80mph with all

Considering it hit the center mass square on, after traveling miles just feet over the ocean, and twisted its way around the side of an island and over hills and mountains to identify and acquire it's target in only 1.5 seconds......completely undetected by the enemy....yeah. I'd say that's a successful test.

Not trying to troll, but how is this different from Androids voice feature? How is it "Killer"? Android users have had this feature since the OG Droid (possibly earlier), and even when it works perfectly, it's still faster to type what you want to say.

I took it as having access to air support or support from a nearby airforce base. They keep fighters armed round the clock now at Edwards i think.

I took it as having access to air support or support from a nearby airforce base. They keep fighters armed round the clock now at Edwards i think.

So what is hacking if it isn't breaking a way into a secure system??

How did you get unlimited data? I have it now but only because I'm grandfathered in on 3G.

No iAnything. Ever.

The only good thing I can see coming out of a system like this is that robberies and muggings would be a thing of the past.

Yeah, your whole idea of carrying a spare is fail. You will never charge it, and when you need it, it'l be dead.

It's true that virtualizing (sp?) violence and turning it into a game desensitizes us. But that is exactly what war footage is trying to fight, by showing us the real horrors and real consequences of real wars. If we take that and turn it into a game, it feels like were making fun of their attempts (even if the

Ok so I need to update from my OG Droid, but want to stay on Verizon. What's the best available Android phone for me? Is there one coming out soon I should wait for?

It plays the top gear theme song