J Whiteman

I think the big difference is we go after specific targets of political or military value. China goes after everyone.

I know your making an HP joke and all, but in all seriousness, if your interested in a good used one for ~$200, let me know. I have a supplier who deals in recycling office equipment when companies upgrade or go bankrupt, and were getting about 30 mac books in soon. 100% legit and legal.

This shit is no better than the scumbags who walk the street peddling cheap "souvenirs" of the attacks. Not only do I hope this crap gets rejected, but that I find him on the street one day to show my disapproval physically.

Red Faction 2 had mouse and keyboard support back on the PS2.

What makes you doubt their conclusions? Not only do they have decades of prop experience, but they also have decades of science and physics experience. Far more than anyone else not in their field.

You assume it is being shot straight up, slowing down to 0 fps, and then starting to fall again. This NEVER happens.

It's actually the opposite. If it goes straight up, and then falls straight back down, it will be tumbling through the air and fall at only a fraction of the speed it was shot out of the barrel.

I agree, this leaves a very bad taste in this NY'ers mouth.

People don't give these animals the credit they deserve.

I hate to nitpick, but a TV is an output device, not an input (unless the camera is built into it, which i doubt in this case). So the headline doesn't quite make sense.

Ah.....I'm lucky then. I knew an employee there and not only do I know how to get to the storage area, I know how to get in!

You obviously don't play chess, your not thinking at least two moves ahead.

I guess that's one way to see it. I have no objection to being swarmed and having chaos erupt around me, so long as the creepy, suspenseful moments aren't sacrificed to make it happen.

Aliens is my favorite movie, and there's plenty of suspense all the way through. From the false alarms with the motion sensors, to hunting the face huggers in a small room, to infiltrating the queen hive. There is alot of action (my favorite scenes are Ripley driving the shit out of the APC, and the 2 second clip of

pffft....if that's the case I have a 4tb raid 0 array that I can rent to the gallery. :-\

This justice sucks!

Yeah but that still encourages 1 man army gameplay, where as before it was encouraging teamwork.

Ah right. Didn't even think of that.

"what I saw of this game showed Gearbox understands this. There were a few scares, as expected, but most combat was more the "shoot every swarming bad guy that shoots out of the floor" variety, not the "creep around in the dark" variety."

I agree. What other game lets you play as the predator anyway??