J Whiteman

Interesting side note: This and other heavy aircraft with sophisticated computer systems (such as the awacs) have no IT support in mid flight, so as a last resort, the computer cases and server racks have footprint stickers on them so if you have to kick it, thats where you do it.

I hate to be this guy, but what does this have to do on a tech blog? Usually I don't care about such things, but I feel that posting a video where people died, and has no obvious relevance to the theme of the site is in bad taste. If no one had gotten hurt or killed, I would feel differently.

It would have to be to be so well exposed. I would say 1/4 - 1/2 of a second assuming they are using earth cameras and not some alien NASA camera.

If it's the same material as in the picture, you have your answer.

You seem to be hot under the collar about this. Let me explain, no there is no time...let me summarize:

A fool and his money are easily parted.

"Pete Hines figured Feb. 18 was the perfect day to conceive a child, as the baby would be due on Nov. 11, the ship date for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim."

I assume with your star comes some definition knowledge, so I feel the need to ask. What was said in my post to earn the "clever" remark of Hypocrite?

I had the same Idea from the first article...

Recycled, I know...but still the best.

The perfect tool for this is the rare H20 Boom Tube. 40 watts with dual subs. Mine has lasted 4 NYC winters.

I strapped a H20 Boom Tube (40 watt dual sub) speaker system on my bike because I want to hear my music, along with the traffic around me in NYC.

In my book, EA has already won. Infinityward has no talent left in their studio (none that were responsible for CoD:4, or MW2 anyway).

And even if there were, the difference in time between the rocket being fired and hitting the aircraft vs the computer recognizing the threat, the gun swiveling to aim, and firing over and over until it hits the warhead is a huge margin for error, if not impossible all together due to point blank range.

All it takes is one shot by one guy (and it sounds like they had the perfect gauntlet set up to launch a wall of RPG's from both sides) , and a Chinook is one hell of an easy target when it's landing and taking off.

The corporate parties on that deck will be absolutely insane!

Spy Kids??? Think back further

They get shot all the time and can take small arms fire, but a direct hit from an RPG will down just about anything. And if they had a dozen men on both sides of the chopper, it makes perfect sense.

Your talking about a multi-million dollar system PER CHOPPER.