J Whiteman

I never liked his style of comedy, not even when he was on SNL.

I was also eluding to IE's security problems.

Same here, they must be speaking that OTHER English....

The disappointing thing is we wont ever get a true end to this story....one day we'll they will just wind up missing....

Chrome = Incognito Mode

Just learned to read the entire article...just ran outside of my office to look up and blind myself at the virginian sun.

Because they refused to give her her money back?

hahaha! Ma'm were not going over there to enforce your western burger!

That no matter how good you think you are, eventually the world will hunt you down.

He needs a razor, but its obvious he has a brush and toothpaste!!

Hand Up....half my hooptie car is held together with zip ties

My friend is on AT&T and suffered not a dead zone, but a dead account glitch. AT&T mistakenly thought he had not paid his bill, and his service was disconnected for more than 3 days. It's like he had a roaming black cloud over his phone.

AK-47's for EVERYBODY!!!

nor dust friendly

Show me how to get on their boards. I'll even give them my address. I'm not afraid of 14 year olds. Neither is my .38.

Oh please let them try this...I really hope they're as stupid as they sound. Fucking with the federal government means they get to be official terrorists and are a clear and present danger to the country. And you all know what that means...

Except that their description is probably the best way to describe it. Sometimes changes are descriptive and people lose their jobs not because of the quality of work they produce, but the current set up isn't as efficient as it could be, resulting in reorganization.

What gave it away?

These fucking retards. They complain they live in shitty neighborhoods like its a god damn conspiracy, yet they sabatoge it themselves to do stupid shit like this.

FUCK ANONYMOUS!!! I hope they are all caught and made examples out of. I say kill all terrorists, regardless if they work in the physical world or the cyber world.